Welcome to Oleander's AD&D 1.5 Home Page

Do you keep a set of dice in your pocket or purse, "just in case"? If so, grab your Dew and Doritos and come on in...

After 30 years of playing and DMing AD&D, my players (mostly my wife) and I have come up with many new rule systems, hundreds of new spells and magic items and dozens of new classes and player races. I'm gathering all of these changes, additions and improvements into a new collection we're calling Oleander's AD&D 1.5, and distributing it for shits and giggles (and for free). Eventually it will all be available as one huge MS-Word download, along with a few smaller ancillary files, like a gallery of N/PCs who are fleshed out and brought to life by years of actual adventuring.

My hope is that other old veterans will see this site, and participate in helping us keep AD&D alive and vibrant. Maybe you'll see something to help your own campaign, maybe you have a rule, a spell, a monster, or even a new class to add to the lists... Give a penny, take a penny - it's all good.

We recognize that all new thoughts and ideas belong to the author who created them. PLEASE respect contributors and commenter's work by always preserving authorship citation and copyright marking on any material you get from this site.

Having said that, if you don't like the idea of your ideas being used, modified, reused, passed on and used again, or IF YOU EVER WANT TO MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR IDEAS --- PLEASE DON'T POST THEM! While I always recommend following copyright law in both letter and spirit, I recognize that many gamers aren't up on the issue, and things you post here might wind up in a book some day with someone else's name on it. I will not be held responsible for such occurrences. If I use your stuff in future AD&D 1.5 updates (which I reserve the right to do), you will get full author credit.

So come on in, take what you want, leave what you got, and help us keep the best damned role-playing game ever alive for at least another 30 years!

What's your Armour Class from above?
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